What Types of Evidence Can I Use for My Car Accident Claim?

When car accidents happen, they can cause serious injuries. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident in Oklahoma, contact a car accident attorney to help you file a personal injury claim. 

Are you unsure of where to start or what evidence you need? Don’t worry — the law office of Bryan Garrett, PLLC, can help.

The Burden of Proof Is On You to Provide Evidence

If you’re filing a personal injury claim after a car accident in Oklahoma, the burden of proof is on you. That means that as the injured party, it is your responsibility to prove your sustained injuries and financial losses. You should also have proof that the other party was liable. 

To prove your case, you need to provide sufficient evidence. There is no such thing as “too much” when it comes to evidence. Use every resource at your disposal.

Essential Evidence for Car Accident Injury Claims

To make matters simple, the following is a list of essential items you’ll want as part of your evidence.

Medical Records and Bills

First and foremost, you need to prove that the car accident caused your injury. Keep a careful record of your injuries after the accident, the treatments you needed, and the bills you had to pay. You can also keep a pain journal to document your injury’s progression.

These documents should prove that you sought medical treatment immediately and that your injuries were substantial.

Accident Report

After the accident, the police should have written a report upon arriving on the scene. As a part of the official record, they will describe exactly what happened, damage to the cars, visible injuries, and possible liability claims. 

These accident reports provide an objective view of the accident.

Insurance Information

Details about your insurance may seem like basic information, but it’s important. You should let your car accident attorney review your insurance policy to determine what your insurance covers. They can even use the conditions in the policy to argue that the insurance company is responsible for your damages. 

Eyewitness Statements

Like the accident report, an eyewitness who was on the scene of the accident can provide an objective view of what happened during the accident. If evidence is hard to come by, and it becomes one party’s word against the other, a reliable eyewitness is essential. 

Expert Witness Testimony

Alternatively, you can use an expert witness. An expert witness is a doctor, accident reconstructionist, or other person with authority who can speak about the accident and the damage it caused. 

Photographs or Videos

What’s even better than word of mouth? Photographic evidence. If you had the time to take pictures after the accident, or if a video of the collision itself exists, this can help your case.

Employment Records 

Sustaining a significant injury is likely to inhibit you from working as you usually would. Having old pay stubs that prove your earnings pre-injury, logs of time missed due to the accident, your injury, and other records of lost wages is vital. If your case is successful, you can qualify for compensation for those losses. 

Proof of Financial Losses

Finally, keep a record of any other financial losses you experienced as a result of your injury. This could include: 

  • Child care expenses
  • Travel expenses
  • Repair bills
  • Personal care costs

Filing a Personal Injury Claim After a Car Accident? Call the Law Office of Bryan Garrett, PLCC

Having a car accident attorney by your side simplifies the process of filing a personal injury claim and finding the evidence to support it. To discuss your case, call the law office of Bryan Garrett, PLCC, at (405) 972-6931 today for a free initial consultation.

Bryan Garrett PLLC

Bryan Garrett has been dedicated to personal injury law for over 15 years in Oklahoma City. He has achieved excellent results for countless clients, whether through settlement or litigation.

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