
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Oklahoma City?
Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Oklahoma City? Dealing with the loss of a loved one is a challenging and emotional time, especially if the death was caused by someone else's negligence. If you’re considering a wrongful...
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What are the Benefits of Settling vs. Going to Trial in Personal Injury Cases?
What are the Benefits of Settling vs. Going to Trial in Personal Injury Cases? When you’re dealing with a personal injury case, you might face the decision of whether to settle or go to trial. It’s important to weigh the benefits of each...
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car accident injuries lawyer
The Long-Term Impact of Car Accident Injuries
Any car accident injury lawyer will tell you that car crashes often produce life-altering injuries. While your doctor may have deemed "maximum medical improvement" in your case, that doesn’t mean...
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Oklahoma car accident lawyer
The Role of an Oklahoma Car Accident Lawyer in Your Case
If you’re looking to seek compensation after a car crash, you may wonder whether hiring an Oklahoma car accident lawyer is necessary. Your case may seem cut and dry, and...
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personal injury attorney
Can an Oklahoma Personal Injury Attorney Help Me Sue After an Injury at a Fair or Festival?
Oklahoma has some of the best fairs and festivals in the country. From large state fairs like the Tulsa State Fair and the Oklahoma State Fair, which attract millions of...
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Oklahoma truck accident
Oklahoma Truck Accident Attorney: Who Is Liable for Damage or Crashes Caused by Truck Debris?
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, about 250 million tires are discarded yearly, and about 15% come from commercial trucks. Many truck tires never make it...
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Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Attorney
What To Look For in an Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Oklahoma has more than 175,000 registered motorcycles. If you own one, you might find yourself in a situation one day that calls for you to hire an Oklahoma motorcycle accident...
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truck accident attorney
Can an Oklahoma Truck Accident Attorney Help Recover Damages If a Truck Driver Was Uninsured or Underinsured?
An Insurance Research Council report revealed that about 14% of American drivers are uninsured. It also highlighted the fact that this number is as high as 25% in places like...
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medical liens on settlements
How Personal Injury Attorneys Can Resolve a Medical Lien on a Settlement
You’ve had a car or truck accident, and you’re expecting that settlement check any day now. Much to your dismay, though, your lawyer informs you that there’s a medical lien...
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Colliding With a Motorcyclist in Oklahoma
What To Do After Colliding With a Motorcyclist in Oklahoma
According to the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, nearly 1,300 motorcycle accidents occur in Oklahoma annually. About half of these involve more than one vehicle. If you ever collide with a motorcyclist, calling...
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