After a collision, you’re probably experiencing a surge of adrenaline, and it can be challenging to think clearly. This is why your insurance company prints instructions for what to do...
If you suffered an injury in a truck accident in Oklahoma, you need to prove that the other party was “at fault” to recover compensation for damages. In the case...
Oklahoma is an at-fault state, which means that a driver who causes an accident may be responsible for compensating injured parties for their economic damages, such as medical bills, pain,...
A car accident can have many negative consequences, including medical expenses, vehicle repair costs, loss of income, and physical injuries. Car crash victims also have to deal with mental anguish...
Whether you have sustained a serious injury following a car wreck, a slip, or another type of accident, you can file a personal injury lawsuit in Oklahoma. However, the process...
If you have recently sustained injuries or damages in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you likely have a few questions. Who will pay for the damages? What about...
More than likely, you carry auto liability insurance in the event of an accident. Oklahoma state law mandates that all drivers should do so. However, a concerning number of residents...
If another driver rear-ended your vehicle, you might be thinking that the accident is pretty cut-and-dry and you might need the assistance of car accident attorney. The driver hit your... Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to hire an attorney if you’ve been involved in a auto accident. The reason is that the other party’s insurance company is not...
It’s a commonly asked question. If you’ve been in a car accident, and the medical bills are high, you might be wondering if you can use your regular health insurance...