What To Say (and Not Say) When the Insurance Company Calls After an Injury Claim

You’re trying to recover from your injuries after an accident when the insurance company calls. You stare at the ringing phone in a panic. What should you tell the adjuster? Do you need to talk with an injury claim lawyer before answering the call?

Any good lawyer will tell you that there are some things you should never say to the adjuster if you’re aiming for a fair settlement. Below, Bryan Garrett, PLLC, discusses what to say and not say when the insurance company reaches out.

What To Say to the Insurance Adjuster

What should you tell the insurance company? In short, not much. You don’t want to give the adjuster any ammunition to use against you.

State the Facts

When the adjuster calls, there’s no need to go into a long spiel about the accident. Simply state the facts of what happened and nothing more.

For example, you might say something like, “I was driving down Route 66 at 5:30 p.m. on June 2. The driver hit me as I was driving through the intersection.”

Report the Damage

You must accurately report your damages if you want fair compensation. Make a list of what’s wrong with your vehicle and how much it will cost to repair each problem. Your injury claim lawyer can help you calculate your damages.

Review the Insurance Policy

When making a claim, you must understand what the insurance policy covers. The adjuster should discuss the policy and send you a hard copy to review.

What Not To Say

The “what not to say to the insurance company” list is far longer. Here’s what an injury claim lawyer will tell you to avoid saying to the adjuster.

Don’t Give a Recorded Statement

This is among the worst mistakes you can make when talking to the adjuster. If you give a recorded statement, the insurance company can review it and look for inconsistencies to use against you. If they find any, expect your settlement to plummet.

The insurance company might make it seem as though you’re obligated to give a recorded statement. Legally, you don’t have to, so you can refuse.

Don’t Accept the Initial Settlement Offer

This is another big mistake that accident victims make. They think the first settlement offer reflects how much their claim is worth. This is usually not true, as adjusters commonly offer low settlements that don’t fully cover all damages.

Always talk with a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement offer. You may discover that your case is worth much more than the adjuster says.

Don’t Accept Liability

It’s common for the insurance company to pin the blame on you because by doing so, they can avoid paying. Just because the insurer says you’re at fault doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. A good injury claim lawyer can help you prove whose fault the accident really was.

Don’t Give Access to Unrelated Medical Records

The only medical records that the insurance company needs are those related to this specific accident. If the adjuster asks to see prior medical records, refuse. The adjuster might uncover a pre-existing condition and, in turn, say that the accident didn’t cause your injuries, even if your condition has nothing to do with them.

Let Bryan Garrett, PLLC, Handle the Insurance Company, So You Don’t Have To

Arguing with the insurance company isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time, especially when trying to recover after an accident. Why not let Bryan Garrett, PLLC, take on the burden for you? For a consultation with an injury claim lawyer, call (405) 839-8424.

Bryan Garrett PLLC

Bryan Garrett has been dedicated to personal injury law for over 15 years in Oklahoma City. He has achieved excellent results for countless clients, whether through settlement or litigation.

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