Being involved in a car collision always adds stress to your life. It can often be even more stressful when you’re in an accident with an out-of-state driver. If you were in a motor vehicle crash in Oklahoma recently with someone from out of state, learning how to handle this situation will minimize the anxiety surrounding it. It will also ensure you aren’t stuck footing the bill for your crash if you didn’t cause it.
Find out how you should respond to your involvement in one of these accidents below.
Call the Local Police
Whether you’re involved in an accident with an out-of-state or in-state driver, you should first call the local police. They will immediately send officers to the scene to launch an investigation and possibly issue traffic citations to those responsible for a collision.
They will also ask whether anyone was seriously injured during your wreck and send paramedics to administer medical attention if necessary.
Seek Medical Attention
In some cases, an accident with someone from somewhere other than Oklahoma might cause serious injuries that must be tended to on the scene. In others, you may only sustain minor bumps and bruises during a car crash that don’t require extensive medical attention.
Either way, you should always seek medical attention after any car collision. Even if you don’t feel injured, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Some crash injuries don’t exhibit symptoms right away, and you might struggle to connect them to a crash later on if you delay treatment.
Visit a local hospital for a medical evaluation and ask for injury documentation and other medical records that can be used during a legal claim.
Document the Scene
Before you leave the scene of an accident with an out-of-state driver, gather evidence as thoroughly as possible. Take out your smartphone and snap photographs and videos to document the scene of your crash.
This evidence could come in handy if you file a lawsuit against the party responsible for your crash. Once police clean up the scene, it could disappear for good, so don’t hesitate to capture it while you still can.
Exchange Auto Insurance Information
Everyone knows that you should exchange auto insurance information with other drivers involved in all collisions. It’s even more critical than usual to do so when you’re in an accident with someone who isn’t from Oklahoma.
Claims that involve multi-state insurance policies are more complicated than other cases. Securing insurance information from the start will simplify your case, especially if you need to take legal action.
Enlist the Services of an Experienced Attorney
Oklahoma is an at-fault jurisdiction. As a result, those who cause crashes are responsible for covering the costs associated with any injuries and/or property damage done during them, even if they’re from a no-fault jurisdiction.
Still, these cases sometimes lead to disagreements over cross-border claims. For this reason, you should hire a knowledgeable attorney who understands the state laws regarding fault in car crashes to handle your claim.
This lawyer should also be well versed in the concept of comparative negligence.
Reach Out to Us After a Crash Involving an Out-of-State Driver
You never want to be involved in any accident, much less an accident with an out-of-state driver. However, they do happen, and how you respond to one could determine how much of an impact it has on your physical and financial well-being.
Let Bryan Garrett PLLC help with your case. Give us a call at (405) 369-4498 today for a free initial consultation.