After an auto accident, many people wonder whether they should use their own insurance. While you can file a claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company, your own policy may offer benefits that can help you through this challenging time.
In this video, attorney Bryan Garrett explains how his firm helps clients understand their insurance options. Your auto insurance policy might cover medical bills, car repairs, and rental car expenses. Additionally, if the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, your policy could potentially cover the entire claim. Many clients are hesitant to use their insurance, fearing it will lead to increased premiums. However, this concern is usually unfounded. In most cases, insurance companies cannot raise your rates if you were not at fault for the accident.
Using the coverage you’ve paid for is a smart way to ease the financial burden after an accident. By not utilizing these benefits, you’re essentially leaving money on the table—money that could help you recover and move forward.
If you’ve been involved in a car wreck, it’s crucial to explore all available options. At Bryan Garrett PLLC, we specialize in identifying and maximizing the insurance coverages that apply to your case. Let us guide you through the process and ensure you’re taking full advantage of the resources available to you.
Don’t let misconceptions about insurance hold you back from getting the help you need. Contact Bryan Garrett PLLC today to discuss your case and let us work toward the best possible outcome for you.