Common Questions an Insurance Adjuster May Ask You After an Accident

Insurance adjusters aren’t on your side. As they gather details about your Oklahoma car accident case, they are also looking for ways to minimize your payout. Saying the wrong thing to an adjuster could compromise your case, but knowing the common insurance adjuster questions in advance can help you prepare for their probing. 

How Did the Accident Happen? 

The insurance adjuster will ask open-ended questions about the circumstances surrounding the accident. Their goal is to understand the details of the case — and see whether you admit to any wrongdoing. 

When answering this question, stick to the facts and avoid any statements the adjuster could twist into an admission of fault. Prepare for this question by jotting down some notes about the accident you can refer to while on the phone with the adjuster. 

What Were You Doing Immediately Before the Crash? 

Your insurance adjuster wants to know whether you were distracted at the time of the accident. If you were, you may assume partial liability for the crash, reducing your claim validity. 

Answer these questions as straightforwardly and concisely as possible: “I was driving down the road” or “I was stopped at a stop light.” Don’t provide additional details unless the adjuster asks for them. 

Do You Think You Could Have Done Anything To Avoid the Accident? 

This is one of the sly insurance adjuster questions to be prepared for after your accident. Your adjuster may ask it to understand your role in the crash as part of their liability determination. This is also a question you may have asked yourself if you feel any guilt or regret for the accident. 

But the answer to this question is “No.” The accident was outside the realm of your control, so you couldn’t have prevented it. 

How Were You Injured in the Crash?

The adjuster will want to gauge your injuries to determine your loss estimation. Therefore, “How were you injured?” is among the more common insurance adjuster questions.

Reference your medical documents when answering this question. A vague response like “I hurt my back” or “I bumped my head” could indicate that your injuries aren’t severe. Instead, refer to your physician’s medical diagnosis and use specific language, such as “I suffered a herniated disc, whiplash, and a lumbar sprain.” 

How Are You Feeling? 

This may seem like an innocuous question or casual greeting, but you must answer it carefully. Your adjuster wants to understand whether your injuries are impacting your life. Answering “How are you feeling?” with “Good,” “Fine,” or “Okay” could tell the adjuster your injuries aren’t serious. 

Instead, take a few seconds to evaluate your pain levels and gather your thoughts before answering. Be specific and relate your response to your ongoing medical treatment. 

Did Your Vehicle Have Any Pre-Existing Damage? 

Your adjuster will also want to know about the damage to your vehicle to determine your repair costs. The adjuster could lower your payout if you admit to any pre-existing damage.

If your vehicle had pre-existing damage, be honest and specific: “Yes, there was a small dent in the bumper. I am sending you a photo with the dent circled.” This helps prevent any confusion and ensures the adjuster does not attribute any other damage to previous events. 

Allow Our Experienced Accident Attorneys To Handle the Adjuster’s Questions for You 

Responding to insurance adjuster questions the right way can strengthen your case. Our legal team at Bryan Garrett PLLC will communicate with the adjuster on your behalf. We can also help you understand your coverage limits and policy terms and ensure that your adjuster treats your case fairly. 

Contact us today at 405-725-2661 for a consultation. 

Bryan Garrett PLLC

Bryan Garrett has been dedicated to personal injury law for over 15 years in Oklahoma City. He has achieved excellent results for countless clients, whether through settlement or litigation.

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